Saturday, February 8, 2014

Member Share: Lisa

 I found out I was pregnant on June 19th, 2009, one day before my 17th birthday. Boy, now if that wasn't a shock to the system. I texted my boyfriend, now my husband, because he was back in California and let him know. Then did the usual run around of telling everyone that needed to know. After the disappointment past from some family members, we all just moved to a state of happiness. My mom foolishly began buying items to prepare, and my little bumpkin was the center of conversation. Everything was going perfectly, until 9 weeks. I woke up one morning to brown blood, and immediately rang my OB's office who wanted me in for an immediate ultrasound. The reason for the bleeding was unfound, and my perfect little baby was still there, still had a heartbeat. Looking back now I realize what I should have already known. Though there was a baby, and all looked well, there was no yolk sac visible and nothing nourishing the little bit. We carried on until August 27th with no further issues. I went in for my 12 week check up, and was met with silence on the doppler. My heart sank, because I knew. They sent for yet another ultrasound, my tech remained silent and just took measurements. She turned the screen away, and sent me back to my doctors office. He told me then that my beautiful perfect little baby was gone, and booked my d&c for the next day. I was devastated as any mother would be. I had friends not four weeks ahead of me and I was no longer pregnant. I did my best to move on persay, but how does one ever move on from that? Ken came home on October 6th, and we just kind of let things happen. On November 5th, I found out I was yet again pregnant, and petrified. The pregnancy went smoothly,and on June 19th 2010, at 212 pm, I gave birth to our little girl. One day before my 18th birthday, One year exactly from my first positive test, I finally had my rainbow.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


A few days after my son passed I got this tattoo to honor his memory. What did you do to honor your lost loved one? Share your story and/ or pictures.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Member Share: Heather

    • I was raped at 12 years old and I lost my baby girl the day before my 13th birthday. She only weighed 6 ounces. I was 4 months pregnant and her name was Isabella.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Member Share: Audrey

I have a short story id like to share about my cousin. My cousin Keira was one of my only cousins who cared about me even tho she was younger. She lived a short life. She was murdered 7 years ago on the same day Jace died. She died from a heroin overdose and what gets me is she never drank or even smoke let alone do drugs. She was goin into the airforce. She died a few days before she turned 18. I think about her everyday. The only upside to her passing was the guy who killed her was killed himself.

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Click here to visit my page: Mommy To An Angel

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Angel Baby Jace Daniel

On august 31, 2013 I gave birth to the most beautiful 8 pound 3 oz baby boy I had ever laid eyes on. He was 21.5 inches of pure perfection. I can proudly say I delivered this precious baby boy at 8:56 am, after about 15 hours of labor, without the aid of an epidural.

 I had a great pregnancy, aside from the normal discomforts that come with carrying a baby and being the size of a house! This picture was taken at 37 weeks 1 day. I delivered at 38 weeks 5 days, just 8 days shy of my due date, and it could't have come any sooner!

I had an amazing birth, my son was a great size, healthy as could be, and breastfeeding like a champ! The next afternoon we were discharged from the hospital. I could not wait to take him home and spoil him up!

We spent many days cuddling, visiting family, attending doctors appointments, and more! He honestly was the best baby. He never cried, he ate very well, and he loved to cuddle with mommy. I may have enjoyed it more than he did.

On September 23rd began the misery that led to the worst day of my life. I will try to keep it short. 

It was a nice summer day and myself and my best friend Sammi decided to take baby Jace to visit her sister. We dressed him up like batman and we were on our way!

At this point there had been no indication whatsoever that anything was wrong. We arrived at her sisters house and Jace became very fussy. This was not like him at all. He would wake up crying, I would try to console him, feed him etc. He would eat a small amount and go back to sleep. This continued every few minutes for about an hour when we decided it was time to take him home. On the way home we stopped and bought him some gas drops thinking maybe he had a tummy ache. They seemed to be helping because he was doing more sleeping and less crying. Later that night we got ready for bed as usual.

Not too long after we settled down for bed he began to vomit. This continued for about an hour when I decided to take him to the er. I called Sammi and asked her to come along for the ride because I didn't want him alone in the back seat in the event he might vomit and choke. 

We arrived at the hospital and were taken straight to a room. After being hooked to a pulse ox the aid left the room where we sat for 3 hours before anyone came in to see him. Even after Sammi had very angrily asked the nurses when he would be seen. 

At this point he was no longer vomiting but dry heaving, and hadn't had any wet diapers or anything to eat for quite some time now. After 3 hours of waiting the er doctor finally came in and ordered an ultrasound and xray of the abdomen. The ultrasound required him to drink pedialyte which I could not get him to take. After a while I was able to get him to drink only 5cc which he immediately vomited. 

After these tests the doctor came in and informed us that the tests had come back unfounded so he had spoken with the pediatrician in pediatrics who would soon be down to see us.

After yet another long wait the pediatrician finally came to examine my poor sick baby and finally after 11 hours in the er would be admitted to pediatrics and given iv fluids.

Once Jace was all settled the Dr. came in and explained that they would let his bowels rest overnight and then decide what the next step would be. During all of this all of the doctors had been asked many times what they thought might be wrong and if he was going to be ok. We received no answers.

Over night while his bowels were "resting" my son began to have seizures. At this point the doctor came in and informed us that Jace was beginning to look "ill" and they would need to work harder and faster. He explained that they would be doing a repeat ultrasound and xray using barium as a dye. Shortly after he returned from his test the doctor came in with his computer and excused our visitors. I knew it was bad news.

Without my knowledge when they had taken Jace they performed a CT scan of his head which showed blood on his brain. From this point on we were treated as criminals, but this is not important. Our son was intubated and life flighted to another hospital where he would be seen by a neurosurgeon. It was about a 20 minute helicopter ride but an hour long car ride. My mom was on her way to the hospital so I told her they were moving him and to meet us there. 

My mom arrived at the hospital before us and as we arrived she called and told us that the doctor was going to try to drain some of the blood and if this did not help he would require surgery.

When I arrived my mom as well as other family members were waiting there, and the doctor was waiting to speak with me. He explained that Jace's situation was life threatening. He would be in surgery for about two hours. We waited....

On September 25, 2013 I received the worst news possible. My baby boy didn't survive surgery. 
Never in my worst  nightmare did I expect this to be the last time I held my son, and that I would be going home without him. 

On September 30, 2013 we had his service where we said goodbye forever. 

This has been a very tough time for me, so I decided to make this blog to help support others in my situation. I plan on posting questions/ comments from followers as i receive them, as well as anything else I find that may bring comfort to others in this situation. 


I have created this page as a support for those who have lost a child or even a loved one. My hope is to post daily with others comments, questions, or those who just want to share their story so they we may all offer our support to one another. Losing a loved one is hard. We can all help to make this burden easier by supporting one another. Please feel free to email me at if you would like to share a question, comment, concern, or even just share your story. This also does not have to be limited to your loss. Please feel free to share anything concerning your everyday life that may be bothering you. Just maybe someone else out there is going through it too!